Gun Upgrades - Action Paintball Games Sydney | Paintball Guns

Paintball Marker Upgrades

Upgrade your firepower and dominate the battlefield

Check out the 5 LEVELS of Gun Upgrades at Action Paintball! We have gotten rid of the unreliable Tippmann style of guns and Upgraded our fleet across the board! Nowhere on EARTH has a selection like this for you to shoot your best mates with!
With 5 levels of gun upgrades you can sit back and snipe, or unleash hell! Check out our epic guns below and see their features.
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Planet Eclipse

EMEK Highlights

- Fires up to 5 balls per second
- Lightweight Design
- Light-weight Trigger
- PALS - Agitated 200 Round Hopper
- 10 inch ported barrel
- Up to 50m accuracy

Standard Semi-Auto Gun

Planet Eclipse EMEK The Planet Eclipse EMEK is a brand new gun that comes with all packages for FREE!!

  • Rate of Fire30%
  • Accuracy50%
  • Sound Signature30%
  • Recoil15%
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Planet Eclipse

EMEK PRO Highlights

- Fires up to 10 balls per second
- Lightweight Design
- Piston activated trigger
- Rotor motorised hopper
- 14 inch Sniper barrel
- Up to 60m accuracy

$25 Gun Upgrade

The Eclipse EMEK Pro is a fully mechanical marker but packs a punch. Light with a smooth trigger so it’s very easy to hold and shoot. The Gamma Core drive system is also very efficient on air, meaning you need to refill less. The EMEK Pro has the 14inch barrel for more accurate sniper shots. It also has the Dye Rotor hopper to feed faster and have a paintball in the chamber every shot!

  • Rate of Fire50%
  • Accuracy70%
  • Sound Signature50%
  • Recoil15%
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Eclipse ETHA 2 Paintballs Gun

$50 Gun Upgrade

The next generation of Eclipse Etha is here. With improved accuracy and a Gamma Core bolt for unequaled reliability, the Etha 2 won’t let you down.

  • Rate of Fire95%
  • Accuracy90%
  • Sound Signature50%
  • Recoil15%
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Eclipse GTEK Paintball Gun Upgrade

Eclipse GTEK Features:

- Fires 20+ balls per second
- Electronically activated trigger
- Rotor motorised hopper
- 14 inch ported Shaft 2 barrel
- Up to 80m accuracy

$75 Gun Upgrade

High end superior upgrade for the hardened operator. The Planet Eclipse GTEK is used by Super 7’s Tournament champions, Sydney SWAT. Dominate the battlefield and achieve victory through superior firepower! Reduced from $100.00!

  • Rate of Fire95%
  • Accuracy90%
  • Sound Signature20%
  • Recoil5%


Want an Absolute Top End Machine-Gun? Welcome to the world of Action Paintball's Superguns.

$100 ULTIMATE Gun Upgrade

The ultimate upgrade for the ultimate soldier. Exotic CS and LV model markers - the fastest in the world and used by professional tournament paintballers such as Sydney SWAT. Don't settle for anything less! Reduced from $130.00!

Strictly LIMITED numbers. First come, first served (unless reserved prior), get in early to avoid disappointment.